Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I got an email today from our home study social worker's boss.
Basically, she has contacted Holt about the delay and the director she spoke with at the agency agreed to try to contact the committee member who is out of town to try to get the questions answered before two weeks go by! 

I am over-the-moon thrilled to hear this! It would make me so happy to get those questions answered before the 1/21 committee date! 

We would appreciate prayers... 

prayers that the questions would be ones our h.s. agency can easily, quickly answer...  

prayers that Holt would see that these are OUR kids and we desperately want them home sooner rather than later and we don't want to delay more than absolutely necessary...

Prayers that they would understand that we have already waited over a month since we fell in love with them and decided to move forward with their adoption...

prayers that our kids are safe, getting healthier and stronger, and that the workers at this home are Godly women who will love them in the interim.

Blessings... I will update as soon as I know anything!


  1. That's great news...I hope they get some answers from Holt. I think it's unfair the way they've postponed you because of this lady's vacation plans.

  2. SOSOSOSOSO happy to read this tonight! He is with you every step of the way my friend and will continue to make this path straight! We continue to pray and I can't wait for the next update! Love and miss you! Hug those babes for me!


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