I was mentioning the other day that my cutie pie husband tries to make me happier in the mornings by singing along with my alarm clock. I use my cell phone as my alarm clock - its really cool. It has a clock on the face that dims overnight while it is charging, so I can wake up and see how much longer I still have to sleep. Then at 5:45 it plays "If today was your last day" by Nickelback. Now, I know... not everyone likes to wake up to that rock-sound at 5:45am, but there are several lines in the song that help me wake up with purpose. Let me explain...


"What's worth the price is always worth the fight." I guess this line speaks to me right now because of where we are headed with the adoption. I really have this picture in my head of jumping through hoops, paying an obscene amount of money and opening our lives up to strangers to inspect - - but the end, the children that the Lord wants for our family - they are worth the price AND worth this fight.

"Do whatever it takes because you can't rewind a moment in this life."
I think this may be the Nickelback version of "never let the sun set on your wrath." It's amazing to me in this world of Facebook, Twitter, blogs, texting, emails, cell phones in every pocket... that we can't stay in touch with the people that matter to us. Why is that? Are we truly that busy? Are we just too proud to be the one to make that first phone call?

As for us and the adoption paperwork pregnancy... I have the background checks from all 4 states we do or have lived in in the past 10 years! WHEW! Now to get those letters of recommendation, verify employment letters, and vet certificate for the dog... and we should be ready for the homestudy! Woohoo!!