Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's not about me.

There are a lot of aspects to "life" in our home...
Our family,
Our children,
Our adoption,
Our 15+ years of marriage,
Our finances,
Our failures,
Our successes,
Our stuff,
Our ministry,
Our future,
Our pasts,
Our hopes,
Our dreams,
Our plans,
Our attitudes,
Our ability to love,
Our failure to love,
Our heart for the broken,
Our heart for the lost,
Our heart for the fatherless,
Our tears for those we can't reach,
Our anger over injustice,
Our frustration at bureaucracy,
Our faith in His plan........

Guess what??
It's not about ME.
It's not about what God can do for Chrissy.

It IS about listening for His voice...
hearing His promptings...
being willing to move when He says move...
being willing to step out of the boat onto the sea with FAITH that He won't let you drown...
being willing to step out of the boat a second BEFORE you begin to WONDER if He will let you drown.

It's about saying "YES" when the world says "What on EARTH is wrong with you?"
It's about saying "How you serve, I will serve." when the rest of the world won't get their hands dirty.
It's about sitting in the pit of your yuck and blah and looking up... seeing the hand reaching for you... and reaching back.
It's about LOVE. Not how much YOU can love... but how much HE loves us and gives us the ability to love in return. Apart from Him we can do NO thing. Apart from Him, we don't know what Love is anyway. Not real love anyway.

It's not about me.
It's about Him.
And I hope that someday He will point us towards His dream and say "Just DO it!" because I am ready!
As my Granny says, I'm "sittin' on GO" and ready to move when the Lord says MOVE.
But even that... is about NOT being ME... not being selfish and thinking "but what about..."
And I think that's the hardest part of following Jesus.
He says "Follow", and don't go say goodbye to your family. Follow, and don't go bury your father. Follow, and forget about hauling in your day's wages. Just FOLLOW when I say GO... without a second thought, because I say so!

As my friend Rick, a truly "Radical" pastor, once explained... I want to be FAT.
I want to be faithful.
I want to be available.
I want to be teachable.

And I want to be His hands and feet.

What does that look like?
No, this isn't a "we are starting another adoption" announcement.
I wish it were...
I would love that very much.
I don't know what it really looks like in person, face-to-face... but I know that I am watching and waiting!

Here is the song by Chris Tomlin that has been echoing through my head these days! Click here...


  1. First of all, I'm working on convincing my hubby for a second adoption! Second, I love your post. Thank you for the reminder.



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