Friday, October 28, 2011

The Christmas Plan

I love Christmas!

I love the trees...
the lights...
the cookies...
the music...
the weather...
the 25 Days of Christmas movies...
reading the Christmas stories in the Bible...
the happy faces all around...
the time with family...
and yes... the gift giving too!
I just love the "season"!

I do NOT love materialism.

How can I mesh those things together?

How can I "do" Christmas in our family,
with little kids who never knew a Santa who filled stockings,
and who may wonder why he only ever visits rich kids??

Well, after much thought and deliberation last year...
this is what we did and plan on doing again:

My sister mentioned she was doing Christmas gifts for her children
 (currently one adorable baby girl) in the following categories:
Something to wear,
Something to read,
Something you want,
Something you need.

We loved that, so we slurped it up and made it our own!
And Santa... 
well, he fills stockings at our house!
Stockings are always a favorite!

And you know what?
It was so fun!
We didn't obsess about making sure everyone received 
an even amount of stuff...
or that everyone got something similar in $$ value...
we just had fun filling in the blanks of our list!

This year, we will miss celebrating with our new kiddos.
We will be thinking of them,
wondering how they will celebrate, and
praying that it's not much longer till we are all home together.
I hope to send them a small something with another travelling family...
some new photos for their albums,
maybe a small toy and new crayons. 

And I will sit there on Christmas morning...
drinking my coffee in my pajamas...
Smiling at my hubby and kids...
snapping photos...
and holding back happy tears
as I picture what NEXT Christmas will bring!


  1. This is such a great idea, thank you for sharing!


  2. We too do not materialize. In fact all our gifts are "general" we do children's board games, puzzles, bikes to share, books for everyone, big items like microscopes for homeschooling. AND we NEVER give any of those on Christmas - it happens throughout the month.
    Last year we also did a give amount out of the overall amount we would spend on our kids and we designated the money to go to something the kids could choose- like vision and compassion both have and many others too. It was unique in that each child had an amount to give to whatever they wanted. They loved choosing and hearing about what the gift did to help others. Opened some eyes.
    Love your idea!!!!

  3. I love this Chrissy! We do something similar but this gives it a little more structure. When you have 5 (or 7 or 12 :-) it seems to become more important to make it a family/worship time. Oh and I love the Babycakes! Thanks.

  4. this is MY post about doesn't feel like a struggle this year.....finally. :0)

  5. Umm, you may want to ask for a wide angle lens for your camera for Christmas so you can fit you all into the picture next year ;)

  6. I can't do it. lol. Good for you though! :)

  7. In all fairness, I saw that idea from a magazine when I was pregnant. I, too, am so sick of all the Christmas crap. I want simple, quiet, reflective, worshipful, and still. I don't want obli-gifts, busy-ness, debt and stress. I don't want a Christmas that is so crazy I need a special planner to make it through. Christmas is out of control. I don't think Jesus would like his birthday party very much.

  8. Love. So many similar thoughts and emotions here.


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